Donnerstag, 16. Oktober 2008

Oczekiwane zrebaki w Maju 2009

Our both mares are in foal to the same stallion WGC Postmark Delight (photo- copyright Hypofocus), owned by Little America Farm in Holland. We will be very happy to welcome two foals in May 2009! Mark is 24 years old. Pictured above at age of 21 at the European Championship 2005 in Alpenrode/Germany where he bekame European Champion.

W polowie Maja 2009 oczekujemy zrebakow z She's Bitter Sweet i Cash's Poison po ogierze stanowiacym w Holandii na Little America Farmie- WGC Postmark Delight.
Teraz 24 letni, kary ogier, ktory zostal importowany przed wieloma laty z Florydy jako World Grand Champion jest jedynym w Europie ogierem z tak waznym tytulem.

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